Lazers and Blazers party

This post easily could have been titled "Photos from an introvert at a dance party as she challenges herself to make the most out of an on camera flash" but I thought the better of it.

While I was at my first ever/ their last ever Yeah Field Trip, I took some breaks during Michael Antonias Lazers and Blazers DJ set to drink water from a box and play around with my estranged speedlight! 

Shortly after putting my camera away, I reverted back to being a true fly on the wall...or I guess I should call it  "a balloon in the photobooth". That'll catch on right?

Shortly after putting my camera away, I reverted back to being a true fly on the wall...or I guess I should call it  "a balloon in the photobooth". That'll catch on right?


During a recent shoot in Hawaii, I was able to collect a couple of great scout shots of my crew and even got a fun one of me scoutin' around Jarassic Park by my super producer Ana!
