Over Easter, I made some very influential friends while hanging out around Coney Island!
My Afternoon with a Gothic Disco Queen.
During my most recent trip to NY, I met up with my friend Gala Darling and we ventured around the city getting kicked out of basements and off of stoops all afternoon. I loved being introduced to her disco pants and couldn't stop trying to capture just how glittery they were, in a photo!
Portugal. The Man
A little while back, a friend came through town and I asked if I could take photos of he and his colleagues at work!
The last tree lighting of the season
It's taken me forever to take down my Christmas tree and now that its gone, I kind of miss it. I've been reminiscing by going back though tree photos from last month. Although I didn't take many photos of my own tree, I did take the opportunity to drive around neighborhoods in the Bay Area looking for the perfect outdoor tree to take photos of.
Alex and I found this one somewhere outside of Walnut Creek, CA. We parked the car, I set my camera up on the hood of the car, and we ran over to the tree to paint with light from our cell phones while the camera took 30 second exposures.
It may look like I'm calling this tree crappy, because of the letters surrounding it, but we actually loved this little tree so much that we light'ly carved our initials into it! (C.R. & A.P.)